Vista Library

Ms. Annie reading in the library

Come and check us out!
Useful Links
Vista's Library Catalog
Accelerated Reading (AR)
Library Recommendations
Announcing ABCmouse – LA County Library
Children's Reading Recommendations
Brightly: Helping Parents Grow Lifelong Readers
2023 Book Award Winners!
The American Library Association Youth Media Award Winners
The Horn Book Award Winners!
Kirkus Awards
2022 Kids Book Choice Awards
Best Multicultural Books 2022
The School Library Journal

Author & Illustrator Priscilla Burris

Priscilla Burris Presenting At Young Authors Conference
Vista Library Policies And Offerings
Vista Library has books for all ages and reading levels including, but not limited to: picture books, easy books, non-fiction, fiction, and novel series. Our library is in Room 20 in the back of our school (facing the playground structure) and well worth the trip!
Each classroom visits the library one day each week. Kindergartners may check out one book at a time for one week. All other grades may check out two books for up to two weeks. Books can be returned or renewed at any time, but if a student has even ONE overdue book, no new materials may be checked out.
I am Ms. Annie Gebhardt, and I am delighted to be your school librarian! I welcome inquiries from parents and families at
Library Schedule 2023-2024
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | |
8:20-8:50am | Closed for Admin/RTI | Marroquin (Room 8) | Gaytan (Room 6) | Closed for Admin/RTI |
8:55-12:00pm | Closed for Admin/RTI | Closed for Admin/RTI | Closed for Admin/RTI | Closed for Admin/RTI |
12:00-12:30pm | Tucker (Room 2) | Closed for Admin/RTI | Tran (Room 1) | Closed for Admin/RTI |
12:30-1:05pm | O'Reilly (Room 10) | McDaniel (Room 11) | Robinson (Room 5) | Wallace (Room 4) |
1:05-1:40pm | Holsheimer (Room 12) | Flowers (Room 17) | Students with Adult | Gutierrez (Room 13) |
1:40-2:15pm | Garcia (Room 9) | Marroquin (Room 8) | Library Closed | Marroquin (Room 14) |
Using Our Library Catalog
Students may request library books by using our online catalog. Books will be held in the library until their next classroom visit. I am available to answer questions at
How It Works:
Step 1: Log-in to our online catalog.
Go to our catalog at
Your Username is your student ID number (the same 7 digit number as on your lunch card or on Parent Connect) and your Password is your last name.
Step 2: Find the book you want using Search.
To search for books within your AR level, click on the “Study Programs” tab just above the search line, and then click on “Accelerated Reader.” Here you can put in your reading range and click “Apply.” When you search, it will show all books in your reading range.
Step 3: Place a hold on the book you want.
Click on the book you want to hold. Then click on the “Hold” icon. It is a hand on a book in the top right side of the screen. Click “Place Hold” to place the hold. A confirmation will pop up letting you know your hold has been placed
Step 4: Review your checkouts and holds.
To see what you have checked out or placed on hold, you can also click on the icon that looks like a little person with a hula hoop next to the “Log In” button and use the same Username and Password as above.
The two-minute video below will help you navigate the site. Please note, students can only use the “Hold” function. You cannot use the “Reservation” function.
Accelerated Reader (AR)
The purpose of Accelerated Reader is to encourage reading on a regular basis, which increases skills and promotes a love of reading. As part of their language arts program, upper-grade students will have personal reading goals for each trimester. The three components of these goals are Average % Correct, Points Earned, and Average Book Level. We hope everyone will work toward their personal reading goals and experience the enjoyment that a good book can bring!
The following are two options to help you identify a book's Reading Level when at a bookstore or public library:
Click here for a link to "AR BookFinder," a free website where you can enter the ISBN or title of a book to identify its Reading Level.
Click here for a link to "BookScanner," a more convenient, albeit paid iOS App where you can use your phone's camera to scan a book's ISBN and identify its Reading Level.
Come Check Out Our New Books!